Website Activity

The Website activity is used to display the contents of a website in your application. It is one of the simplest activities, yet it's ability to display web content makes it very powerful.

Adding a Website Activity

To add a Website activity to your project: start editing your project and go to the Activities tab. Under 'Your App Activities' click the + Add an Activity button and select Website from the list.

Now let's take a look at the Website Activity settings. For the purpose of this article we will use the Andromo blog.


The Website activity contains the following settings.

Activity Name
The name that you want to give your activity. This will appear on the dashboard, toolbar, and navigation drawer. This can be whatever you want but should probably describe the website that you will be displaying. For our example, we'll use "Andromo Blog"

A few words describing this activity. This subtitle text may be displayed on the dashboard if the dashboard's item style supports it.

A longer paragraph describing this activity. This description text may be displayed on the dashboard if the dashboard's item style supports it.

This is a relative index that controls the order of the activities in your application. The position will effect where your activity is displayed on the dashboard and navigation drawer. For more information on this setting please read: How to change the order of the icons on the dashboard.

Build this activity (include it in the app)
Whether or not this activity will be included in the app. This may be useful if you're creating different versions of your app that you want to contain different content.

Hide this activity (don't list it on any dashboards or navigation drawer)
When selected, this activity won't show on the dashboard or the navigation drawer. You can still access this activity from an HTML-based activity using it's Activity URL. For more information, refer to the topic Linking to Another Activity.


The Theme setting allows you to inherit theme settings from the global theme, parent theme, or override the theme settings for the activity. See the Activity Theme topic for descriptions of these settings.


The Images section allows you to provide the images to show on the activity and those that will be used to represent it on it's parent dashboard and navigation drawer. See the Activity Images topic for descriptions of these settings.


The Toolbar setting allows you to inherit the toolbar settings from the global toolbar, parent toolbar, or override the toolbar settings for the activity. See the Activity Toolbar topic for descriptions of these settings.


Website URL
The website that will be displayed within your application. It must be a complete URL like: or

This setting allows you to force the activity to stay in a particular orientation. Leave this on 'Automatic' unless you absolutely need to lock the display orientation for some reason (like games etc.).

  • Automatic - Switch orientations automatically (the normal behavior).
  • Landscape - Lock this activity in landscape orientation.
  • Portrait - Lock this activity in portrait orientation.

Banner ads

This controls which banner ad networks will be permitted on this activity when banner ads are enabled for the app.

You can choose whether to permit all ads, all ads except Google AdMob ads, or to prevent any ads from appearing in this activity at all.

Google does not permit AdMob ads to be shown alongside web content containing Google AdSense ads. Refer to the AdMob terms of use and content guidelines for details.

Enable Geolocation permissions
You can enable this option if the website needs access to HTML5 Geolocation features. When this feature is enabled, the appropriate permissions will be added to the app requesting access to their location.

Enable Zoom
You can enable this to allow zooming in or out using on-screen zoom controls and gestures. Generally you should only disable this if your website is mobile friendly.

Open website in external browser
You can enable this to open the website outside of the app, within the default browser.

Activity URL

The unique reference URL for this activity that can be used for linking to it. For an example of it's usage, refer to the topic Linking to Another Activity.

What the Website Activity Contains

The Website activity is made up of one activity that displays the contents of the Website URL set in your activity settings.

Linking to Another Activity

The Website activity also allows you to open another activity from a link using the special URL format:


Each activity contains an internal unique identifier that can be referenced for opening it. You can find each activity's reference URL in the section labeled "Activity URL" located below the activity's Example Screenshot. Each activity's settings can be accessed from the "Activities" tab, by clicking the desired activity name or icon, or by selecting "Edit" from its Action drop-down list. It will appear as a value such as:

   website navigation.png

where "website801769" is the internal identifier for that particular activity. This value will be different for each activity in your project.

As an HTML hyperlink, this would be formatted as:

<a href="andromo://website801769">Visit Our Website</a>

If you'd like to open the dashboard, you can specify the following:


As an HTML hyperlink, this would be formatted as:

<a href="andromo://dashboard">Go Home</a>

Example Screenshot

    Screenshot_20200212-160500_test external.jpg

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