Apps created using Andromo contain a 'home' screen called the Dashboard containing selectable items for one or more activities that users can open.
Activites come in a variety of types and are composed of one or more screens that users can navigate through.
Add an Activity
The first step is to choose the type of activity you want to add based on the type of information you would like to show. More activity types will be added in the future, but at present you can choose from the following activity types by clicking the 'Add an Activity' button and selecting the desired activity
Twitter Activity
The Twitter Activity allows you to display one of three different twitter timelines. You can choose to: display a specific twitter user's timeline, a timeline from a list, or a timeline based on a search of the most recent public tweets.
Adding a Twitter Activity
To add a Twitter activity to your project: start editing your project and go to the Activities tab. Under 'Your App Activities' click the + Add an Activity button and select Twitter from the list.
Activity Name The name that will be given to your activity. This will appear on the dashboard, toolbar, and navigation drawer.
How to put your app in Google Play
IMPORTANT NOTE: Since you're not signing the app yourself, you should not enroll your app in Google Play App Signing.
If you're creating an application that you want to distribute to the public, the best way to do so is to upload your application to Google Play. Google has help specifically aimed at developers, so if you have any questions not answered by this article, it’s a great reference: Google Play for Developers Help. There is also a very useful document entitled: Publishing Checklist for Google Play that discusses what is required to publish to Google Play.
For an in-depth walk
Setting Up AdMob Ads
NOTE: The new AdMob interface is not yet available in all countries as of August 2013. If you're not able to access the new AdMob settings, or have yet to upgrade your existing account, please see the instructions in the article How to get an AdMob Publisher ID instead. Andromo supports Ad IDs created in AdMob's new, and legacy interfaces.
Signup for an AdMob Account
If you don't yet have an AdMob account, go to https://apps.admob.com and log in with your Google Account. If you don't have an existing Google Account, click "Sign Up". They recommend using your existing AdSense account if
EU User Consent / Privacy Policy
As of September 30, 2015, an app must inform and receive consent from users within European Union countries about any data collection, sharing, and usage that may take place within the app. This is required in order to comply with Google's EU user consent policy when using Google services such as Google Analytics or AdMob.
Google has provided the www.cookiechoices.org site that contains more information and suggests text that may be appropriate for the consent message that you present to your users. See the section titled "What do I put in my consent message?" which currently suggests the following text might be
What is the Dashboard?
The dashboard is your 'home' screen (activity), where users can navigate through all the activities (features) in your app. If you've chosen "Show dashboard" as the Startup Mode, this is what your end users will see the first time they launch your application.
The dashboard will display items representing each activity that you have added to your application. The items are constructed using the name of each activity, an optional subtitle and description, and the image or drawer icon that you assigned to it. These settings are configured on the individual activity's properties page.
Radio Activity
The Radio activity allows you to play streaming audio from internet radio stations in your application.
It's similar to the Audio activity, with additional support for SHOUTcast and Icecast streaming audio.
Example Screenshot
Adding a Radio Activity
To add a Radio activity to your project: start editing your project and go to the Activities tab. Under 'Your App Activities' click the + Add an Activity button and select SHOUTcast Radio from the list.
Activity Name The name for this activity. This will appear on the dashboard, toolbar, and navigation drawer. It can be whatever you
Getting YouTube IDs
In order to create the proper YouTube Data API requests certain YouTube values are needed. The next section will detail these values and explain how to get them.
User ID
This is the YouTube username. If you are going to show videos from your YouTube account you can find this value in the upper right-hand corner if you are logged in or in the URL to your channel. E.g. the following is the URL for my channel:
My username can be seen after the '/user/' value in the URL and is markIndigoRose
Channel ID
This is the YouTube Channel
The Navigation tab allows you to enable and customize the look of your app's Navigation Drawer. The navigation drawer is a panel that displays the app’s main navigation options on the left edge of the screen. It is hidden most of the time, but is revealed when the user swipes a finger from the left edge of the screen or touches the menu icon in the toolbar.
Navigation Drawer
Enable Navigation Drawer Allows you to enable or disable the navigation drawer for your app.
Start App with Drawer Open Whether or not the navigation drawer will be in an open state
RSS/Atom News Feed
The RSS Feed activity takes existing syndicated content (or web feeds) from the web and displays it in your application in a way that makes it easy for mobile users to browse and read. Web feeds come in two main formats: RSS and ATOM.
Andromo supports the following feed versions: RSS 9.0, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, and Atom 1.0. Many websites publish feeds in one or more of these formats.
Example Screenshot
What if I don't have any feeds?
Chances are you have more feeds that you think you do. If you have an online presence; produce
How to use Google Analytics in your Application
Google Analytics lets you measure user interactions with your app, anonymously tracking actions that the user performs, without sending any identifying information.
You can find detailed information about Google Analytics here: Android Native Application Tracking Overview
However, much of the information at that site deals with integrating Analytics into your app, which you do not need to do -- the integration is already done for you in Andromo.
This article will focus on how to start using Google Analytics in your Andromo project.
SDK Policy
Important By using analytics you agree to follow the Google Analytics SDK Policy. This means
The Theme tab allows you to customize the global theme colors, toolbar settings, and image settings you want to use for the global style of your app. These settings can be inherited or overridden on a parent or per-activity basis (see each activity's settings for available customization).
Global Color Settings
Note: Some colors do not affect activity content containing HTML such as the Website, Custom Page, HTML Archive, or RSS feed details. Their colors are controlled via HTML.
Primary Color The primary color you want to use for your application. The primary color is generally your app's "branding" color. It
Podcast Activity
The Podcast activity displays an iTunes Podcast RSS 2.0 feed in your app. It supports streaming audio over the network and downloading episodes for playback offline.
Example Screenshots
The Podcast activity displays the feed as a list of episodes.
Tapping on an episode takes you to another activity where the summary/description text is shown.
You can long-press on the Play button for additional options.
You can also interact with the episodes directly from the list.
Adding a Podcast Activity
To add a Podcast activity
Creating a YouTube API Key
In order to submit API requests to YouTube's Data API v3, you must register your application to obtain the proper authorization credentials. Use the instructions below to register each application that contains YouTube activities to get your YouTube API Keys.
Create a New Project in the Google Developers Console
Step 1 - Go to the Google Developer Console and sign in with your Google account, or create a new one.
Step 2 - Press the "Create Project" button.
Step 3 - On the New Project dialog, enter a project name in the "Project name" field and click the "Create" button (leave the Project ID
The first step in creating your project is defining your app's name and selecting an application icon.
Basic App Information
App Name The App Name is the name that will be shown on the toolbar on top of the dashboard and underneath your app icon.
App Version The version number allows you to keep track of releases of your app. Once you release your app to the public you will want to increment this version number each time you distribute a new version (1.0.0, 1.0.1 etc.). If your app is in Google Play, this will let people know that a
Photo Gallery Activity
Photo Gallery Activities allow you to include photos in your app.
Example Screenshot
Adding a Photo Gallery Activity
To add a Photo Gallery activity to your project: start editing your project and go to the Activities tab. Under 'Your App Activities' click the + Add an Activity button and select Photo Gallery from the list.
Now let's take a look at the Photo Gallery Activity settings.
Activity Name The name that you want to give your activity. This will appear on the dashboard, toolbar, and navigation drawer. It can be whatever you want but
How to get an AdMob Publisher ID
NOTE: If you've upgraded your AdMob account to their new interface, please see the article Setting Up AdMob Ads instead.
Setting up your AdMob Publisher ID is a quick and simple process. Follow these steps and you'll have your AdMob Publisher ID in no time!
1. Go to admob.com and sign up. http://www.admob.com
2. Choose Add Site/App from the menu
3. Pick 'Android App'
4. Fill in the App Name, Category and App description. You don't need to enter the Android Package URL as you won't know it until you've put your app up in Google Play anyways. Leave that completely blank.
Phone Activity
The Phone activity is used to display the phone dialer (if available) filled in with a specific telephone number. This allows users to contact you with a single click.
Adding a Phone Activity
To add a Phone activity to your project: start editing your project and go to the Activities tab. Under 'Your App Activities' click the + Add an Activity button and select Phone from the list.
Now let's take a look at the Phone Activity settings.
Activity Name The name that you want to give your activity. This will appear on the dashboard and navigation drawer. It can be
Deleting Your Project
Deleting your project in Andromo is as easy as selecting "Delete this Project" from the "Action" drop-down list beside the project that you wish to delete on your "My Projects" page.
However if you have published your application to Google Play it is strongly advised that you do not delete your project. The reason for this is that once you delete your project the package name associated with it will be lost forever. There will be no way for you to reclaim your package name on Andromo, and therefore no way for you to ever update your project again on
PDF Activity
The PDF activity is used to quickly and easily embed a PDF document into your Android application. Your PDF document will be opened external to your app (existence of Adobe Reader app recommended).
Adding a PDF Activity
To add a PDF activity to your project: start editing your project and go to the Activities tab. Under 'Your App Activities' click the + Add an Activity button and select PDF from the list.
Now let's take a look at the PDF Activity settings.
Activity Name The name that you want to give your activity, this will appear on the dashboard and navigation