Adding a Twitter RSS Feed to your Android App

Adding a Twitter stream to your Android app is super easy with Andromo App Maker. Just follow these steps:

1. Open up your Andromo project (or create a new one). Click on the project name, or select 'Edit' from the Action drop-down list next to the project you want to work on...

2. Click on the 'Activities' tab

3. Click on the + Add an Activity button, and select 'RSS Feed' from the list to add a new RSS Feed Activity.

4. In the field labeled 'Activity Name', type whatever you like - e.g. 'Follow us on Twitter'

5. In the field labeled 'RSS/Atom Feed URL', enter the following:

Be sure to replace 'andromorocks' with whatever your Twitter username is.

6. Click 'Save Changes'

That's it! Build your app and try it out. You've got a dynamically updating Twitter feed in your Android app, all with just a couple of clicks and a few minutes of your time...

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