Knowledge Base

  • How to cancel or change your subscription

    You may cancel your subscription at any time in your Andromo account.

    Cancelling your subscription

    To cancel, follow these instructions:

    1. Log into your Andromo account. 2. Go to your Account settings. 3. Scroll down and click 'cancel subscription' in the bottom of your plan description.

    See How do I cancel a recurring payment, subscription, or automatic billing agreement I have with a merchant? at the PayPal web site for more details.

    Signed up without a PayPal account?

    Did you sign up with a credit card but don't have a PayPal account? PayPal still processes your subscription payments for Andromo. Simply

  • Turning your idea into an Android App

    In the previous article of this series, we discussed how to come up with a successful app idea. Hopefully we’ve been able to spark your imagination and get you on the road to making your first app.

    This next article will cover the simple steps you need to follow in order to turn your idea into a fully working Android app.

    If you haven't decided on an idea yet, no need to worry, just give it a little more thought and perhaps an idea will come to you during this article. Try making an app about your favourite animal, sport,

  • Releasing your first Android app

    In the previous article in this series, we discussed how to turn your idea into an Android app

    Seeing an app that you made, running on an Android device for the first time, is always an exciting moment! The next step is just as exciting: releasing your app to the public, and watching the download numbers climb.

    If making your app available to millions of users sounds hopelessly mysterious, fear not — this article will cover everything you need to know in order to prepare your app for release and launch it out into the world.

    Releasing an app


  • Activity Toolbar


    Toolbar Mode

    • Global - Use the Global toolbar settings from the Theme tab of your project.
    • Parent - Use the activity's parent dashboard toolbar settings. These settings are defined in the Toolbar section of the the parent dashboard's properties.
    • Custom - Enables the Custom Toolbar Settings section of settings allowing you to customize the toolbar style for the activity.

    Custom Toolbar Settings

    Toolbar Style

    • Standard - Use a standard toolbar with a solid color background. If a feature image is enabled, it will appear "outside" the toolbar, and will scroll beneath it as the activity contents are scrolled.
    • Compact - Use a compact toolbar. A compact toolbar
  • App Download Problem in Desktop Browsers

    When downloading your Andromo app from a desktop browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox, you may be prevented from downloading the file until you provide confirmation. Below are examples of what you might see in the Google Chrome browser and Firefox browser and the steps you need to take to complete the download.

    Google Chrome Browser Below is the initial message you may see after initiating the download of your app:

    To complete the download, click the arrow on the right side of the message and select "Keep":

     Firefox Browser

    When initiating your Andromo app download you may see

  • Why it's important to upload your app to Google Play before sharing it

    If you've created an application that you plan to publish to Google Play, it is strongly recommended that you upload it to Google Play before you share the app with anyone else. Otherwise, you run the risk of having someone else publish your app to the market as their own creation, preventing you from publishing it yourself. While this may not often occur, it is something to be aware of.

    Apps in Google Play are identified by their package name. Each package name can only be used by a single app; no two apps in the market can have the same

  • Setting Up StartApp Ads


    StartApp is another AdNetwork that Andromo developers can use to monetize their Andromo apps. Adding StartApp banners and/or interstitials to your app is a very simple procedure much like other ad networks:

    1. Register for a StartApp Developer Account 2. Add your App to StartApp 3. Add your StartApp App ID to your Andromo App 4. Build and Test Your App

    Register for a StartApp Developer Account

    The first step is to register for a StartApp Developer Account:

    After registering you'll receive a confirmation email with instructions for activating your account.

    Add your App to StartApp

    After confirming your account, you'll

  • Closing Your Andromo Account

    Before you close your account

    If you have a subscription with Andromo, you should cancel your subscription first.

    How to close your account if you have registered with Facebook or Google

    Please get in touch with 

    How to close your account if you have registered via email

    1. Please log into Andromo.

    2. Click on the user icon in the top right and click on "Account":

    3. Click on "delete my account" at the bottom of the page: 

  • Flickr Photo Feeds

    For more information on the Flicker activity please see the Flickr activity knowledge base article.

    Finding your Flickr User ID

    It is important to remember that your Flickr User ID is not your Flickr screen name or username. Flicker User ID’s are (mostly) numeric strings that uniquely identify you on Flickr. The easiest way to get your user ID is to get it from the URL of your photostream. For example my photostream URL is:

    My User ID is the string after /photos/ and before the final  /   so my User ID is:


    You can also try this website

  • App Info

    The first step in creating your project is describing your app and selecting an application icon.

    Basic App Information

    App Name The App Name is the name that will be shown on the action bar on top of the dashboard and underneath your app icon. Below is an example using the App Name "Redline News."

    App Version The version number allows you to keep track of releases of your app. Once you release your app to the public you will want to increment this version number each time you distribute a new version (1.0.0, 1.0.1 etc.). If your app is in Google

  • How advanced monetization is applied to projects

    As soon as you set a splash screen or change interstitial ads frequency lower than 2 minutes at your project we consider them to be using advanced monetization features and start counting interstitial ads impressions with impressions budget turning on. They will be counting unless developer stays at Ultra plan.

  • Coming up with a successful app idea

    Every great app starts with an idea. Here's our best advice on how to find a successful idea for your app

    Use your hobbies

    Do you have any hobbies or interests? Things that you enjoy make great subjects for an app. If you’re going to put time and effort into something, why not make it something you’re already interested in?

    Try to think of ways that you can make an app that would be useful to other people with the same interests. What would you have liked to know when you first got started? Would other people be interested in

  • Activity Images


    The Images section allows you to provide the images to show on the activity and those that will be used to represent it on it's parent dashboard and navigation drawer.

    Background Image (Where Available) The background image is an optional image that can be shown behind the activity's content (only available on some activity types).

    • None - Don't use a background image.
    • Inherit from theme - Use the theme's background image. The theme is specified by the Theme Mode of the activity.
    • Custom - Enables the Custom Background Image Settings section of settings allowing you to upload a background image for the activity.

    Custom Background

  • Download link problems

    Problems Saving the Application File

    Your android application can either be downloaded from the link in the build email that was sent to you, or using the Download item in the Action drop-down list next to your project on your My Projects page.

    If you encounter a message about the file being "not commonly downloaded" refer to the App Download Problem in Desktop Browsers knowledge base article.

    If you encounter a problem with the download link related to a specific browser, or security settings, try right-clicking on the download link and selecting "Save Link As..." as shown below (text may vary between browsers).

     My Download Link

  • Google Play: You can't charge for previously published free apps

    If you've decided that you'd like to put your new application in Google Play, you'll need to decide whether you're planning to make the application free, or charge for it. This initial decision is fairly important given the rules of Google Play.

    If you publish your application and make it free, you cannot at a later date start charging for the same application. This is one of the rules of Google Play. If you would like to start charging for the application, you need to create a new project in Andromo that contains the same information, and upload that to

  • Setting Up Facebook Audience Network Ads


    Facebook Audience Network Ads represent another way for Andromo developers to monetize their Android Apps. Adding Facebook Audience Network banners and/or interstitials to your app is a very simple procedure much like other ad networks. If you're looking for information beyond what is provided in this article, refer to Facebook's Getting Started documentation. If needed, you can also contact their support department using their support contact form.

    Note: Facebook's Audience Network only shows ads to users that are logged into the native Facebook app on their mobile device. As a result, fill rates can vary, so you may want to enable a second

  • Adding a Twitter RSS Feed to your Android App

    Adding a Twitter stream to your Android app is super easy with Andromo App Maker. Just follow these steps:

    1. Open up your Andromo project (or create a new one). Click on the project name, or select 'Edit' from the Action drop-down list next to the project you want to work on...

    2. Click on the 'Activities' tab

    3. Click on the + Add an Activity button, and select 'RSS Feed' from the list to add a new RSS Feed Activity.

    4. In the field labeled 'Activity Name', type whatever you like - e.g. 'Follow us on Twitter'

    5. In

  • Styles

    The Styles tab allows you to customize the look of your app by choosing settings and colors for various elements including the action bar. If you'd like to make changes to your style choices, you can always return to this area and edit your selections.

    App Colors

    Note: These colors do not affect Website, Custom Page, or HTML Archive content. Some application elements may contain their own color settings which override these settings.

    Backgrounds The color that will be used as the background in your app for areas that don't contain their own color settings. For example, this color is used as

  • How to use Intercom: Customer Messaging Platform in your app

    Below we’ll show you how to install Intercom in your Andromo app. With Intercom, you will have live chat on your app.

    Create a free Intercom account. It comes with a free 14-day trial Choose a plan. Now head over to settings inside your Intercom account. Inside Settings, select Installation and drop down to “Android”. Copy your API Key and app ID. Log into your Andromo account. Open the project you wish to add Intercom to and then click on ‘Services’. Scroll down and click on “Enable Intercom”. 7. Hit ‘Save Changes’ and you’re done.

  • Getting Started With Andromo

    The 10,000 Foot View of is a website that allows you to take an idea and transform it into an Android app in three easy steps:

    1. Create a project: Each project you create within your Andromo account represents one app. To create an Android app using Andromo, you need to create a project. 2. Add activities to your project: Activities are what give your app functionality. In order for your app to do anything you need to add activities to it. 3. Build your Project: Building your project will generate your Android app. When you are done, or