Knowledge Base: Common Questions

  • How to Create an HTML Archive ZIP

    This article describes how to create a .zip file containing your HTML content that can be used in an HTML Archive activity.

    How to Show File Extensions on Windows

    While this step isn't required, you may find it very helpful to display file extensions for the different types of files on your computer. This allows you to easily determine both the type of file you are seeing, and it's complete filename.

    To illustrate the difference, below is an image showing the file "index.html" with it's file extension hidden:

    Now below is an image showing the file "index.html" with it's file

  • Supported Audio Formats

    The Audio Player activity supports several audio formats built into the Android platform. Which specific formats are supported varies a bit between Android versions (and to a lesser extent also from one device to another).

    Some of the supported formats include:

    • .mp3 (up to 320 kbps)
    • .ogg (Vorbis)
    • .wav (8- and 16-bit linear PCM)
    • .mp4, .m4a (up to 160 kbps)
    • .mid, .xmf, etc. (MIDI Type 0 and 1)
    • .aac (only on Android 3.1 and newer)
    • .flac (only on Android 3.1 and newer)

    See: Complete list of supported formats

    Note that some formats are only supported on newer devices. You should always test your media files on one