How to use Google Analytics in your Application


Google Analytics lets you measure user interactions with your app, anonymously tracking actions that the user performs, without sending any identifying information.

You can find detailed information about Google Analytics here: Android Native Application Tracking Overview

However, much of the information at that site deals with integrating Analytics into your app, which you do not need to do -- the integration is already done for you in Andromo.

This article will focus on how to start using Google Analytics in your Andromo project.

SDK Policy

Important By using analytics you agree to follow the Google Analytics SDK Policy. This means that:

You will give your end users proper notice about the implementations and features of Google Analytics


You will either get consent from your end users, or provide them with the opportunity to opt-out from the implementations and features you use.

All Andromo apps allow the user to opt out of analytics in the application Settings. A notice will appear in the app's About dialog when analytics is enabled.

You may also want to add something like the following text to your Google Play descriptions:

(This application uses Google Analytics to anonymously track usage data within the application.)

Note: Andromo may also use Google Analytics to collect anonymous usage data in order to help guide improvements to the platform.

Get a Google Analytics Account

If you do not already have a Google Analytics account you can visit Google Analytics and sign up.

Note: it may take up to 24 hours for results to start showing up in a new account.

Get a Google Analytics App Property ID

Follow these instructions to set up a new Google Analytics property for your app. If the Analytics interface has changed, you can find the latest version of these instructions here. (Note that you do not need to download the SDK. All of the SDK programming and integration has already been done for you in Andromo.)

1. Sign in to your Analytics account. Click the Admin tab.

2. Find the account you want to add the new app property to. If you have a lot of accounts, click the All Accounts link just below the menu bar. Use the search box to help find the right account.

3. From the table, click the account name you want to add the property to.
If you want create a new account, click +New Account and skip Step 4. A new property is automatically added to all new accounts.

4. Click +New Property (web or app).

5. Select App as the type of property you want to track.
Andromo only supports App properties as of version 3.0.6. If you were previously using Web analytics in your app, you will need to create a new App property and update the ID in your Andromo project settings.

6. Type in an App Name.
Use a very specific and descriptive name.

7. Select an Industry Category.

8. Select your Reporting Time Zone.
This only affects the time that appears in your reports.

9. Click Get Tracking ID.
This is the property ID you will need to paste into your Andromo project settings.

Your app property ID will be in the following format: UA-XXXXX-YY

Enable Analytics in your Andromo Project

Now that you have your Google Analytics property ID, you need to add it to your Andromo project.

1. Edit your project, and select the Services tab.

2. Locate the Google App Analytics section, and check the box labelled Enable Analytics.

3. Enter your property ID into the App Analytics Code field.

4. Click the Save Changes button so that your changes are applied to the project.


Now that you have the Analytics settings enabled, the final step is to build this version of your application and distribute it to your users (e.g. by publishing it on Google Play).

Note that it can take some time for results to begin showing up in Google Analytics, especially for a new Analytics account.

What will be Tracked

As your app is used, Google Analytics will track a wide variety of anonymous usage statistics, such as the number of visits to each activity within your application, and the average amount of time your users spent there. Your Google Analytics reports will show each activity using the title you selected for it in your project.

Note: in Google Analytics the activities are referred to as "Screens."

Update your Date Range

Note that the default date range for Google Analytics reports does not include the current day. You may want to adjust the date range near the top of the Google Analytics report page if you want to see results from the current day included.

Alternatively, you can use the Real-Time reports in Google Analytics which show a snapshot of the current data being tracked. Note that it may take up to 24 hours for Real-Time data to begin showing up in a new Google Analytics account.

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