Creating a YouTube API Key

In order to submit API requests to YouTube's Data API v3, you must register your application to obtain the proper authorization credentials. Use the instructions below to register each application that contains YouTube activities to get your YouTube API Keys.

Create a New Project in the Google Developers Console

Step 1 - Go to the Google Developer Console and sign in with your Google account, or create a new one.

Step 2 - Press the "Create Project" button.

Step 3 - On the New Project dialog, enter a project name in the "Project name" field and click the "Create" button (leave the Project ID as it's default).

Step 4 - In the sidebar on the left, select "APIs & auth" to expand the category, and then "APIs".

Step 5 - In the list of APIs, select "YouTube Data API".

Step 6 - Click the "Enable API" button to enable it in your project.

Step 7 - In the sidebar on the left, select "Credentials".

Step 8 - Under "Public API access", click the "Create new Key" button.

Step 9 - On the "Create a new key" dialog, select "Android key".

Step 10 - On the "Create an Android key and configure allowed Android applications" dialog, just click the "Create" button (LEAVE THE FIELD BLANK).

Step 11 - You should now see your application's "API key" value under the section "Key for Android applications". Copy that key into your Andromo project's "YouTube API Key" field.

Note: It can take some time for your API access to become fully enabled, so we recommend waiting about 15 minutes before testing your app.

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